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What’s New And Happenin’ At Strange’s This Spring?

Strange's Greenhouse

What’s New And Happenin’ At Strange’s This Spring?

By, Kevin Cutlip

Photos by Caroline Martin

Out In The Nursery, Crape Myrtles Are Here!
There are several varieties of Crape Myrtles swarming here at Strange’s, now. If you want one to plant, pick the appropriate variety to go in your particular space. We have everything from semi dwarf to large tree varieties and all in between; everything to fit your space, color, canopy, height. Most questions about Crape Myrtles are easily answered, so you can enjoy the right bloom, size, height for your summer outdoor decor.

Strange's Nursery

If you already have a Crape Myrtle, then they should be fertilized with Holly Tone now. Look at the skeleton, and selectively prune to produce wider growth. Find a new bud and prune just above it and the new growth will shoot that direction. Prune out the inner parts as well to promote an airy effect.

Obviously, you don’t want to be hard pruning (crape murder). Just because you see crape myrtles in shopping centers being “hard pruned”, does not mean that that’s what you will be doing. Most of these trees have to be because they are growing in ashphalt islands and need to be pruned way down because of their root mass. Any deciduous plant, after it goes dormant in the Fall, takes those few months to calculate how much leaf material it needs to support its root base. Crape Myrtles’ leaf litter next Fall is their natural food source.

There are several charts on the web that explain and describe the Crape Myrtle varieties, and their growth habits. One in particular is Clemson University’s website.

As always, if you have questions, come see us out in the nursery and we will always set you right. Bring your photos, bags of bugs, fungus infested leaves, lawn issues, or water garden questions (we love that too!)

Strange's Greenhouse

Now,For Everything Under Glass In The Greenhouse:
Veggie season is upon us! They are flying out the door now, and so are herbs! Also, if you haven’t been inside to see the kazillion blooming annuals, tropicals, and other plants in the foliage house, then expect to make a day of it. The tropicals are busting through faster than ever now.

It’s time to dress up all your Summer color beds and containers as well. The green shirts inside, know where everything is, and can help you with your selections. They know because they tenderly started most of the plants from seed. They can help with either in-ground or containers questions, and yes, we have “in house container specialists” too.

Strange's Foliage HouseStrange's Greenhouse signs

Our Expert Floral Ladies:
What can I say. I had the rare opportunity to work with these ladies during Valentines Day week… Talk about pressure. And now, Prom and Mothers Day are upon them. Start thinking about that special day and plan it with them because they have the finest ideas in RVA when it comes to floral arrangements. There’s no sense in waiting until the last minute to order your corsage or Mother’s Day arrangement! While you are here, go see them and ask for ideas. They are the “RVA Special Occasion Gurus”!

Strange's Floral Department

Now For The Garden Center:
If they don’t stock it, you don’t need it. The professionally decorated setting you see as you enter Strange’s starts with educated employees who know where everything is, and if they don’t, they can find the one who put it there. Seasonal gardening is their specialty, and for the stocked items, that is your success in everything gardening. From the supervisors, to cashiers, to loaders, everyone can help with your selections, and get you back in the dirt.

Strange's Garden Center

Get off the porch, it’s time.

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