Spotlight On: Gardening Myth #3
Strange’s is back on the case! We have another myth to investigate and report on, so read on…
Today’s Myth: Does adding chewing gum to a mole hole get rid of them?
The claim: Throw chewing gum down the mole hole and the mole will eat it, clogging their intestines before killing them.
However, there are others who claim that the gum trick will work. One method is to shake up a few pieces of gum with some earthworms so that they are covered with the wormy smell, thus attracting the mole more easily. Others claim that throwing the gum, wrapper and all, does the trick to trip up moles and gophers.
In the end, both the University of Florida and Ohio State University state that this method is not proven in scientific tests. While you can try it at your own peril, the most effective method of control is setting a trap in an active tunnel, which many claim is your only surefire way to stop moles from destroying your lawn.