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Spotlight On: Gardening Myth #2

Strange’s is back on the case!  We have another myth to investigate and report on, so read on…


Today’s Myth: Does yellow clothing attract flying insects like bees & mosquitoes?

The claim:  Wearing yellow clothing outdoors attracts mosquitoes and bees to your body, resulting in unwanted bites and stings.

Well, the consensus is….this is false!  Yellow will not attract flying insects to you specifically, and may even help to deter them.  Insects are attracted to ultraviolet and blue light, including black and florescent.  Yellow lights or the color yellow can actually help prevent mosquitoes from biting you, because yellow is a color they can hardly see and when they do see, the color confuses them.  Mosquitoes use heat as one way to locate their victims.  The possibility of mosquitoes attacking is also less likely when you wear light-colored clothing, like white and yellow, because light colors have a tendency to reflect heat.  Darker color clothing, like navy blue and black, tend to absorb heat from the sun and therefore would be more likely to attract a mosquito.  Light, not bright, colors also repel bees.
Other ways to avoid mosquito bites would be wearing bold patterns, since dark solid colors are easier to spot.  Mosquitoes are also drawn to certain odors, perspiration being one of them, so wearing loose, cotton clothing will more likely protect you than wearing something that makes you sweat.
Of course, these aren’t foolproof ways to avoid getting bit by mosquitoes, and we suggest investing in one of the great many products Strange’s carries to repel flying insects that bite.  

Go here to see a photo gallery of some great repellents we carry.

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