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4 Tips to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard!


By, Ann Meisoll

Now who doesn’t love hummingbirds? The fast moving, jewel toned birds are easy to attract to your garden. All you need are the right flowers, a hummingbird feeder or two, some insects and a source of water.

1) Flowers & plants: It has always been believed that hummingbirds only liked flowers that were bright red and trumpet shaped. This isn’t necessarily true. Hummers will feed from many different plants, including native plants. Salvia, four o’clocks, penstemon, agastache, nasturtiums and butterfly bush are but a few of the many plants that hummingbirds like. Be sure to always have something blooming during the summer, and you’ll keep hummingbirds around all the time.

2) Feeders: There are many different styles and kinds of hummingbird feeders. Choose one that you like and make sure it is easy to fill and clean. Be sure to clean your feeder on a weekly basis, or more often if it gets really dirty. You can use a commercial nectar or make your own. If you choose to make your own, do not use red food dye or honey in the mix. Both of these are dangerous to hummingbirds.

3) Water: Hummers are attracted to water, especially mists and sprays. If you’re lucky enough to have them come to your garden, you may find them zipping back and forth thru the sprinkler spray. They don’t like a heavy shower, just a fine mist. Hummers also won’t be interested in using a birdbath either, unless it is very shallow.

4) Insects: Try to avoid using pesticides in your garden. Hummers do eat insects, and they love spiders (and spider webs) because they like to use the web silk in their nests. You’ll have to be VERY eagle-eyed to spot a hummingbird nest because they are very small – usually smaller than the size of an egg.

Strange’s at West Broad has an assortment of products to help you get started:


Just follow these simple tips and you’ll be seeing hummingbird’s start to take an interest in your yard in no time!

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