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2 For 1 Color With Bulbs & Pansies

2 For 1 Color With Bulbs & Pansies

By, Ann Meisoll

“Can I plant bulbs under my pansies for some extra spring color?”

Why yes, yes you can! This kind of planting is known as lasagna planting, where you layer one thing on top of another. It’s a fairly simple process, and it can be done in the ground or in containers.

Photo Credit: Gardenia Creating Gardens:

Photo Credit: Gardenia Creating Gardens:

First, determine what bulbs you want to plant. Consider your pot size (or garden size) when figuring out how many bulbs you need to buy. The rule of thumb is largest bulbs on the bottom, and then work your way up to the smallest, topping them out with pansies or violas. Daffodils and/or hyacinths would be on the bottom, followed by tulips and then any of the smaller bulbs on top (crocus, muscari, etc). There should be a layer of soil and a scattering of a good bulb food like Espoma Bulb-tone on each layer. Fit your pansies in on top, and you have a perfect layered planting.

flower bulb

If squirrels or other digging animals are a problem, treat your bulbs with the correct repellent before planting, or plant all your bulbs inside a stainless steel mesh bag.

Don’t be afraid to mix and match your colors. Plant purple tulips with your white pansies, or yellow daffodils with your orange violas. The color mix is all up to you. Also, by planting in layers, you prolong the blooming season. The bulbs probably won’t all bloom at the same time, unless you pick ones that have the same bloom time.

daffodils, tulips and hyacinth

This week’s bulb special—yellow Dutchmaster daffodils Supersaver bag (28bulbs/bag) $9.95  deal good thru 10-13) Dutchmasters are a bright yellow daffodil that should be planted in every garden!


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